Product Pricing
Standard Distributer Net (DN) Commission % = 10%
Standard Overage % = 100% Overage up to 150% of the 10% published book price
If sell price exceeds 150% of published book price, please consult with Extant Lighting Sales Manager for special accommodations.
If Spec Rep controls pricing, then the overage commission is split 50/50 with the Spec Rep and Sold To Rep, otherwise all overage commission is kept by Sold To Rep
If product being quoted is specified out of your territory, REP MUST CONTACT EXTANT LIGHTING FOR PRICING. DO NOT USE INTERACTIVE PRICING TOOL.
Any overage included in total order does not count toward freight allowance
For special quotes below 10% DN pricing, please contact
NOTE: If product being quoted has been specified out of your territory, REP MUST CONTACT EXTANT LIGHTING FOR PRICING. DO NOT USE INTERACTIVE PRICING TOOL.
All requests for specification credit must be registered with Extant Lighting prior to sale. Contact between sales agents must occur so that formal recognition of jobs is established.
Price discounts will be calculated and reviewed based on receipt of the following information:
- Specification representative:
- 60% of DN Commission for specification following above guidelines
- Purchase point representative:
- 20% of DN Commission for the ordering representative
- Job location representative:
- 20% of DN Commission for the local representative
Where functions are combined, specification credit will also be combined.
Please contact for additional price/quote/availability information.